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网络投稿 2023年03月13日 阅读数 75 #表白方式



Os At Nb、IOU、ohh、Mi manchi、I *** FE

一、Os At Nb






四、Mi manchi


五、I *** FE

这个就是一个英文句子的首字母缩写,就是I LOVE YOU FOREVER。也就是我永远爱你的意思。






I want to keep silent no more. There's no need you hide me like this and I don't want to bother you. Even though you have a lot of friends, I can understand your solitude. Don't know what is the happiness you want, and I don't want to give you any words that can not be cashed. But I do wish you can put your left hand in my right hand firmly, and I'll hold it tight while I will go anywhere you want as long as the world lasts. I'll be around you whenever you feel sad, to comfort you, support you, help you and cheer you up, share your happiness and sadness as well. If I can, I'd like to shoulder all your sadness and be your sunshine to light up the world which you live within, and bathe with you in the sunshine, watch with you under the star sky forever.

This is not just words, and I wish you could have faith in me.

Just as you have said,"I thought I used to love you like soil, but no flower grew from it. More and more soil just buried us. And I understand that love can not be too modest, only soil is not enough without nutrition. " It's me who lack courage, and it's also me who cherish this love too much that I rushed too much which makes you wanna escape. Maybe your rush has made you lose and the result of rushing is certainly regret. And I know if it's not for my rushing we may be fine. Will you please give me your hand again? Sorry I can't go to your birthday party, thank you for your invitation. "Happy Birthday!" I have prepared your birthday present and Shan will give it to you. Can you give me another chance?

The reason I wrote this in English is because of the fear that you may hate me, maybe it's just trying to be brave but not real courage that I have secretly wished you don't understand it, then I can keep it in my heart that I know it's my first time to say O love you.


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