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网络投稿 2023年03月19日 阅读数 76 #婚姻经营















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婚姻:marriage; matrimony; wedlock



经营:operate; run; manage; engage

in; deal




Marriage is unhappy not because of lack of love, but because of lack of friendship.


Love makes marriage, while friendship solidifies it.


Love contributes to marriage, friendship consolidates marriage, and kinship protects marriage.


Love can talk without life, but marriage is not, marriage is life.


A failed marriage is a tragedy; ending a tragedy is tantamount to starting a edy.


Happiness is not synchronized with wealth, status, prestige, marriage. It's just the feeling of your heart.


The source of marriage is love, but marriage is not equal to love.


Marriage is a war, and a war that lasts without winners.


Nowadays, young people do not understand marriage. When they are in love, they raise it to the level of marriage too early, but when they get married, they regard marriage as love.


Where there is a marriage without love, there is love without marriage.


If you can turn your lover into another version of you, marriage will last forever.


A problem-free marriage is like a person who never gets sick. There is no such person in the world.


Marriage is a tomb, but it's better to be buried in the earth than in the streets of murderers.


If there are not too many flowers and sausages, there will be no crisis in marriage.


Divorce is the best way to solve wrong love and marriage.


Trust is the most needed ability to run a marriage.


Love is a matter of o people, marriage is a matter of o families.


Love must be the premise of marriage, and cherishing is the necessary persistence of hand in hand.


Marriage without love is cruel and immoral.


They all say that marriage is the tomb of love, but in fact, marriage is the proof of love, and true love must go through the experience of marriage.


The only greatness of marriage lies in the only love, the mutual loyalty of o hearts.


Happy marriages are often destroyed by mean tricks and insidious suspicions.

23、婚姻到底是什么?一双 *** 的多半不合脚的鞋?

What is marriage? A pair of shoes that are mostly not foot-fitting?


The law can only prove marriage, but can not protect it. Compared with the law, morality plays a greater role in the stability of marriage.


Only love can make marriage holy. Only marriages sanctified by love are real marriages.


You are looking for love, I am looking for marriage! We both took a fork in the road!


At a certain age, you will understand that maybe after a long marriage, love will die in the tomb of marriage, leaving only obligations and family ties.


Marriage can never be used to save a broken love, broken love can only be broken marriage.


Marriage is wrong in any way, and long-term marriage is wrong in any way.


She can give her whole life to love, but she can't give her marriage to herself.


A good marriage is a hu *** and who is deaf and a wife who is blind.


Marriage is like wearing shoes, fortable or unfortable, only the feet know.


Love is love. Marriage belongs to marriage. Marriage is the tomb of love. Towards the grave is not towards death, but towards detachment.


If marriage is at the expense of freedom, it must be painful.


Marriage is like a carved ship. It depends on how you appreciate it and how you drive it.


The reason for yearning for marriage is yearning for love. If marriage can not get the expected love, then such marriage is naturally not pleasant.


Marriage without love is unhappy, but marriage without house is even more unhappy.


Marriage is like playing basketball, offensive, defensive, and sometimes fake.


Now marriage must be based on material basis, no material marriage, push it down.


Marriage is a siege, people outside the city want to go in, people in the city want to e out.


At my age, love without marriage, or marriage without love, makes me sick from the depths of my soul!


Marriage is another starting point of love.


Marriage without love is immoral. Marriage without love is unrealistic.


Love is the bridge leading to marriage, and marriage is the bond connecting love.

3英语作文 如何经营婚姻 50字

Learning English takes time so if we want to learn it well, we should spend much time practicing using English every day. Besides, we should listen to the teacher and take notes carefully in class. Go over what is learnt regularly and finish doing our homework carefully. If we have time,we'd better isten to English radio programmes, read English stories and newspapers, watch English films and TV programmes ,keep a diary in English . If we make mistakes, correct them at once and try not to make the same mistakes. What's more, we should look up new words in the dictionary before class and prepare each lesson carefully before class. I believe if we work hard and have good ways of learning English, we will learn English well.


Real relationships take work and true love requires more than fireworks.




有的人说,婚姻是坟墓,不同的人有不同的见解,还可由很多婚姻的英语 句子 。下面是我为大家准备的一些关于婚姻的英语句子,欢迎大家参阅,希望大家喜欢。



the marriagethe eternal topicfor many yearshas been the focus of all attentionis the world's one of the things that is not clearit is a life event that must be experienced people's life. Marriagesome people say it is goodsome people say it ugly. The marriage of success people praise itbusiness people failed marriage. Curse it into marriagethe besieged people began to decide their own lifecarefully managing their marriage.


the marriage must be flat like a longflat to longthin water can flowbut not equal to the dull and tastelessfine water is not completely changedthe other extreme or into the marriagethe other one is the marriage of the deadthere is no novelty tasteless and insipid marriage is the most fatal.


the marriage halleye-catchingcolorful fireworksflying in the sky. Carol haunts each pair to marriage thing. The guests dispersedfireworks fallingfinally leftevery corner only silence day to accompany us through life. The ordinary daynot like ordinary life; timebut different liveweyouthey can live together and love each other?


the benefits of marriageis that you always have a place of their ownthe problem is that you can only have this place forever


the bond of marriagenot childrennot moneybut the common growth of the spiritin the most helpless and weak when he (she) lift your chinyour back straightmake you strongand accompany you aroundto bear the fate. At that timeexcept the love between youand never abandon in perfect sympathy with each other loyaltyunderstandingkindness and Mingxinkegu.


marriage is a happy womanmarried to a happy manand finally become the two pessimist


marriage is a tombapproached the marriageas if approached the tomb of marriageso in the end is not the case?!



the marriage of the people watching the outside worldmany people have to pay a heavy price. Marriage is not playing cardsre shuffling is sure to pay the pricewhether you are right or wrong!


marriage is a tragedybut the audience to see it as a comedy. No one likes tragedybut we have to get married


what is the marriage? Mr. Qian Zhongshu said: "marriage is like a siegewant to go out of townoutside the city to come." this sentence has become a classic in the marriage. Bacon said: "marriage is the tomb of love." Lev? Tolstoy said: "happy families are all alikeunhappy family each have their own misfortune." too many celebritiesartists have their own classic interpretation of marriageto people's lives in many business marriage enlightenment.


the marriage needs mutual supportwho do not leave a person to walk alonenot love each otherbut who is the desert storm. Love needs two people businessnot selfish to drink a common dewwho can not bear to have been trekking and no food no water to travel.


the marriage in the eyes of others that is only an illusiononly the people in the office to understand the taste of marriage is more of a responsibility of a family! No matter what decisions do not regret after a few years later!

婚姻中,经济是基础,爱情是房屋, *** 是食物,孩子是财富,尊重是护符,糊涂是幸福,甜言蜜语是油盐酱醋,相互猜忌只能走向坟墓。

marriageeconomy is the foundation of love is sex foodhousingchildren is wealthrespect is the tali *** anconfused happinesssweet is the daily necessarie *** utual suspicion only to the grave.

婚姻中的两个人,就像是行走在沙漠里的一对游客。开始的时候感受着脚下的绵绵细沙,背着满满一壶的幸福, *** 澎湃的去实现自己的梦想,慢慢的,时间长了,走得也远了。当初的 *** 已经被沙漠的险恶所磨灭,取而代之的是身心的疲惫,再次举目,沙漠的尽头还很遥远,回去的道路又不见了踪影,猛然间才醒悟,原来梦想不一定都是美好的。

two people in a marriageis like walking on a tourist in the desert. At the beginning of the feeling at the foot of the soft sandcarrying a pot full of happiness and passion to realize their dreamsslowlya long timewalk too far. When the passion has been by the desert by the evil forgotteninstead of the physical and mental fatigueand againthe end of the desert is still far awaygo back to the road again disappearedsuddenly wake upthe original dream is not always good.


marriednot two thingstwo things the family. The older generation about the perfect matchnot without reason feudal marriageyou should hold the faith once in a lifetimeso when selecting the slightest sloppy. Love it. Love marriageslowly.


the freedom of marriage for womenmarriage will always find her lost more freedom


no unhappy marriageonly unhappy couples. Couples with the wonderful vision of marriage into the marriage hallbut they are disappointedso they blame the marriagemarriage is the tomb of lovebut really to blame themselves.



there is no absolute right of marriage preservation meritare not useful for all marriage marriage is vitalitya ready-made panaceawhether freshthe key is not to seek these fresh trick *** ut the mind is this stringwith the hearts of the stringyou will find fresh tricks for you marriagecouples will be able to love is often new.


in the face of an unhappy marriagethe first thing we should do is to give up the warbut also do not expect to immediately return the sweetbut to each other Jingxiaxinlai think. No thinking without actionit is impossible to find the key to solve specific problem *** ecause you want something and detail of the marriage forever only their most clearlythe key to solve the problem ultimately is to hold in their own hands.


a man may think that few women fit him before his marriageand when they get marriedthey think a lot of women are suitable for themselves


it is not a man's faultbut sometimes another woman's fault


if the marriage is a castlethen love is besieged in housingno housing and cannot withstand the wind and rainor they fledor they died. So whether you love before marriagemarriage or loveyour marriage will be lastingbecause you have love the housing.


I hope my marriage is thatlove a personand said of a couple. Then have children togetherand then go home every dayslowly raising the children grow uplooked at each other every day face wrinklesgrayin the enda person guarding every dayeatingsleepingchatting. Grow old. In factthe essence of marriageis such light forever.


to love as the raw material of marriage is a beautiful villa; with money as the raw material of marriage is a money piled paper housenot exposed to wind and rain.


some of the marriagelike orange peelwhich is sweet; some of the marriage like coconutvery large shell inside there is no much sweetness

忠诚是婚姻关系的底线,一旦冲破,就有可能会打翻婚姻这条船,伤着爱人,伤着儿女,伤着亲人。虽然很多人都明白这个道理,但是这个世界有太多的诱惑,重要是要做到清醒心智,要学会 反思 自己,让自己成熟。

loyalty is a marriage lineonce the breakthroughit may upset the marriage of the shiphurt lovehurt peoplehurt their loved ones. Although many people understand this truthbut in this world there are too many temptationsit is important to make clear the mindlearn to reflect on their ownlet I mature.


respect for marriage is the tali *** ansome people think that walk to the cityis one familystill need what kindwhat respect? You knowcompletely mistaken! Before marriagebut you two unrelated people! Even if you are marriedor two peopletwo people from different respect. The otherthe other side is also regarded as a independentthat is to increase the distance between the one point twothis will attract more two people close to each other. This is like two magnetkeep a proper distance will make them stronger attraction.


love can not be forcedmarriage does not have to insistregardless of men and womenlove and marriage should be carefulemotional marriage can not be arbitrary behavior


the foundation of love and marriage is loyaltytrust and compromise. If a man loves you very muchbut it is not derailedlove; a person attaches great importance to youbut always do not believe youis not a good marriage; and two of them look very much in lovebut are reluctant to abandon their own lives for the other part this is not longmore love. To lovetrust and mutual sacrificethis is a happy marriage.

爱情是冒险,婚姻是 保险 ,外遇则是好险,你希望遇到什么险??

love is an adventuremarriage is an affair of insuranceis that what you wanthave insurance??




不过 每个家庭的婚姻也是不同的 你俩为什么吵架呢?


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