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网络投稿 2023年04月08日 阅读数 83 #女生表白



导语:对女生深情告白的'话语 求对女孩子深情的表白的话?_把你对她关注的点滴说出来,更容易让女生感动。以下是我整理想跟女生表白的英语的资料,欢迎阅读参考。

1I can't have you. Maybe you'll meet someone you love, but you won't meet a second person who loves you so much.

2It takes only an hour to love someone and a day to love someone, but it takes a lifetime to forget you.

3, if I say the guilt in my heart, I am afraid that you think I'm not good, but I don't say it, and I feel that I'm not good enough.

4I love you so much! Although you can't feel my heart, but in my heart, you are the only lover forever! I've learned to forget myself, but I can't forget you.

5, in the world of love, I have nothing, and I know nothing. In the little station of affection, I wish you were the first visitor and the forever host, with me in my favor. All my life!

6Love let us meet, love let us love, love let us love, let us care, let me give you all my love in my lifetime!

7Sing sad songs and watch the girl you love. The heart is for you hurt, the song is for you to sing, I just want you happy happy, sorry!

8The tender heart is for happy people! Romantic heart! It is to give to the lover eternal heart, is to give to wait for the person, would like to bless the heart, to my dearest people!

9, I love you, you are the bread of the morning, the banana in the evening, the garlic in shandong, the chilli in sichuan.

10My eyes are gazing affectionately into your eyes, like the blue of the sea, so pure that you can not knead a *** all fine sand.

11I want to erase you from my memory, but I can't help but think of you: every moment in my dream, every moment in my waking hours.

12. Recalling our time together, I couldn't help it. How could you just leave me like that?

13You are the shore, I am the ship, you are the sun, I turn for you, happiness has you can calculate, give me the world do not change.

14I hope that in the days to come, I can add a wonderful memory to your memory, and I will be able to fulfill my love for the future through my efforts in this life.

15, it is because of love that is quietly dodging, dodging the figure, and hiding the feelings of silence; Today I finally have the courage to express my love to you.

16There is your favorite color in the sky. In reality, you and I are the best match. The white cloud depends on the blue sky, the blue sky contains the white clouds, just like you and me now, how beautiful!

17You and I meet is a kind of fate, we cherish this hard-won affection each other. I hope I can accompany you all my life in the future.

18I think I've been in love with you for a long time.

19I am the salt in your food, and without me everything loses its flavor. I am your winter sun, summer Popsicle, cloudy umbrella.

20I'm a fool, but believe me, I didn't mean to. Can you forgive me? My dear.

21Darling, you always say that I love to brag, so please listen to me: "for you, I can go to nine days of the month, but I can catch turtles!" Because: that "month" is you, that "turtle" is also you!

22For all these years, I have been looking for the perfect love, but no one has touched me at the first moment like you, and more and more deeply.

2 *** eople say that to love someone is to ask for nothing in return. But I want you to give me back and let me give you all my love in my lifetime!

24I accidentally sent "I love you" to you by mistake. If you accept it, store it and send it back to me if you don't accept it.

25You are like a warm spring breeze, which stirs waves of love in my heart. You are like a gentle cloud that binds me to my amorous gaze.

26Love in the world is warm, love in the world can be depended on, the world has you will be warm, may you and I travel together, be a happy passerby.

27The transience of life has created the eternal love. Beautiful girl, please do not be narcissistic, open your heart, accept my rose.

28It is my pursuit to love you for ten thousand years. Love you for a thousand years, is my desire; Kissing you once is the happiest time of my life. Promise me, marry me!

29It is not the feeling of being in love that makes me happy but the feeling of falling in love with you that makes me happy.

30The fire of love kindled in our hearts, and we shall be fused together.

31, I think you really are not a qualified friend, you still change to be my wife!

32I cannot forget your message, your *** iling face I can not forget, your true feelings I already know, my heartbeat voice does not want you to hear!

33If love is a flower, let it be in my heart, defeat in my heart, deep in my heart.

34I'd like to hug you for the morning sunrise, and I'd like to hug you for the sunset and hug you at night.

35Your figure appears more and more frequently in front of my eyes, and gradually, like breathing, without interruption for a second, I can't eat well and can't sleep well.

36I still love you, but only a few of the persistence that must be together.

37, everyone has a corner, he can't walk out, others can't get in; Everyone has a cut, or deep or shallow, covering the cloth, thinking it does not exist; Everyone has a love, heart, use, force, moved and sentimental; Everyone has a confession, fear, insecurity, but full of heart and courage.

38Without your information, life is very dull. Time is always a long time without your information. Without your information, the sun is no longer shining like before; Without your information, spring also lost the birds and flowers!

39Look for you in the crowd, as if you were in the sea, picking up all the grains of sand, eager to find your tracks, if not from the will, and hopefully the next life.

40I hope you can give me a chance to take care of you. Take good care of you. You grow old along with you!

41You are the wind I am the sand, you end cup son I pour the tea, you take naps I make the bed, you have a child I see a baby.

42For your happiness, I am willing to give up everything including you. The words to the girl's affectionate confession.

43Love you, hide in my heart, warm in your heart!

44Like a person, there is no pain. Love a person, may have a long pain, but he gave me happiness, is also the world's greatest happiness.

45If you can stay in my sight for a lifetime, I will not keep it.

46Time is passing in the fingertip, all things grow under the rain, the stars alternate between night and day, and we walk on the ideal. Happiness and hardship are intertwined, new life with old death, let us cherish the present, embrace forever.46

47I want to send you a rose, but the price is too expensive. I want to send you a consolation. I want to send you a ring, but it is still in the safe. I have to send a message to you, and I hope we never blow.

48Love is like a ray of sunshine in the winter, warm your cold heart; Love is like a spring in the desert, moistening your thirsty heart; Love is like a lamp, guiding the confused you to the right path. Let love be with you every day!

49I can't promise anything to you, but I'll do it: if one day you feel hungry, you'll see that I've starved to death in your arms.

50If you *** ile, my heart will dance with you. You keep *** iling, my heart will not stop jumping! So you keep *** iling, I won't die because of you!


每天都向喜欢的人告白是已将非常让人感动的事情,一天一句告白短情话英文翻译分享给你,You had me at hello!来看看一天一句的告白英文情话吧! No matter the ending is perfect or not, you cannot disappear from my world 我的世界不允许你的消失,不管结局是否完美 What all I want is trapped inside your eyes 我只想沉沦在你的.眼里。 Love never dies 爱情永不死。 The darkness is no darkness with thee 有了你,黑暗不再是黑暗。 You make me want to be a better man 你让我想成为一个更好的人。 We cease loving ourselves if no one loves us 如果没有人爱我们,我们也就不会再爱自己了。 There is no remedy for love but to love more 治疗爱的创伤唯有加倍地去爱。 Love is a carefully designed lie 爱情是一个精心设计的谎言 You had me at hello 我对你一见钟情。 Promises are often like the butterfly, which disappear after beautiful hover 承诺常常很像蝴蝶,美丽的飞盘旋然后不见 Fading is true while flowering is past 凋谢是真实的盛开只是一种过去 Who travels for love finds a thousand miles not longer than one 在爱人眼里,一千里的旅程不过一里。 Love keeps the cold out better than a cloak 爱比大衣更能驱走寒冷。 Take away love, and our earth is a tomb 没有了爱,地球便成了坟墓。 I love you very much, probably more than anybody could love another person 我非常爱你,也许超过世上任何一个人爱另外一个人可能达到的程度。 My heart is with you 我的爱与你同在。 I miss you so much already and I haven‘t even left yet! 尽管还不曾离开,我已对你朝思暮想! I’ll think of you every step of the way 我会想你,在漫漫长路的每一步。 Why I have never catch the happiness? Whenever I want you, I will be accompanied by the memory of 为什么幸福总是擦肩而过,偶尔想你的时候…就让…回忆来陪我 I wish I knew how to quit you 这辈子,叫我如何戒掉你。 告白情话向女生英文2 好想让清风把我的思念捎给你,可清风说我的思念太重,怕驮不动。 I really want to let the breeze bring my missing to you, but the breeze said that My missing is too heavy to bear. 好想一头扎进你怀里,闻着你身上的熟悉味道,告诉你这些天来的委屈,以及,我很想你。 I really want to plunge into your arms, *** ell the familiar *** ell of your body, tell you these days to injustice, and, I miss you very much. 你如果长得丑点,我可以跟你吃饭,跟你去看电影,一起谈人生,谈理想,可是你那么好看,我只想和你睡觉。 If you were uglier, I could have dinner with you, go to the movies with you, talk about life and dream together, but you are so good-looking, I just want to sleep with you. 我也明白,孤独总是无处不在,但如果可以过上有你的未来,漫长的岁月就都值得等待。 I also know that loneliness is everywhere, but if you can live in the future with you, the long years will be worth the wait. 我有多喜欢你,可能程度也不深,大概就是想和你过完这不长不短的一生。 How much I like you, maybe the degree is not deep, probably just want to spend this long life with you. 别人都说活在世界上好苦好苦,不过我是幸运的,因为有个甜甜的你一直陪在我身边。 People say that living in the world is a good bitter bitter, but I am lucky, because there is a sweet you have always been with me. 相遇是春风十里,原来是你。相爱是山长水阔,最后是你。 Meet is spring breeze ten li, the original is you. Love is the mountain long water wide, the last is you. 如果人也有尾巴的话,这么说还真有点难为情呢。因为和你在一起的时候,我想,我会忍不住摇尾巴。 If people had tails, it would be a little embarrassing to say so. Because when Im with you, I think, I cant help wagging my tail. 你是我的,谁都抢不走,我就是这么霸道。我是你的,谁都领不走,我就是这么死心。 You are mine, no one can take away, I am so domineering. Im yours. I cant take anyone away. Im just so desperate. 希望困的时候离床不远,拉肚子的时候离家不远,饿的时候离饭馆不远,喜欢你的时候离你不远。 I hope its not far from the bed when Im sleepy, not far from home when I have loose bowels, not far from the restaurant when Im hungry, not far from you when I like you. 不求被全世界宠爱,只求这一生是你一个人的例外。 Dont be loved by the whole world, just ask this life is your one exception. 深海不会因为一杯沸水而加温,我不是因为三分热度才爱你,可能你不是更好的,可却是我最想要的。 The deep sea will not be because of a cup of boiling water and heating, I am not because of the heat just love you, you may not be the best, but it is what I want most.


如果你对ta一见钟情可以说It was love at first sight. 我对你一见钟情。或者说You're my type. 你是我喜欢的那种类型。


1、We finally did and it was love at first sight.


2、It was love at first sight, and he proposed to me six weeks later.








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