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网络投稿 2023年05月17日 阅读数 59 #暗示表白



个人觉得Enchanted很适合 原来是Taylor Swift唱的 后来又Owl City翻唱 据说是他对Taylor的回应。我很喜欢这歌

放Owl City版的歌词好了 与泰勒的略有不同(歌词来自百度百科)

There I was again tonight 今备罩拍夜我又在这里

Forcing laughter, faking *** iles勉强的笑声,虚伪的笑容

Same old tired, lonely place.一样疲惫孤单的地方

Walls of insincerity 虚伪的高墙

Shifting eyes and vacancy 飘忽不定的眼神

Vanished when I saw your face. 在我看见你时消失不见

All I can say is it was enchanting to meet you. 我只能说我已对你着迷

Your eye's whispered "have we met?" 你的眼神小声问“我们见过吗?”

Across the room your silhouette 你的轮廓越过房间

Starts to make its way to me. 打开了我的心扉

The playful conversation starts 于是开始了一段俏皮的对话

Counter all your quick remarks回应着你不经意间的神态

Like passing notes in secrecy.像写着秘密传来的小纸条

All I can say is I was enchanted to meet you.我只能说我已对你着迷

Oh,Taylor,I was so enchanted to meet you,too哦,泰勒,我也已对你着迷

This night is sparkling, don't you let it go 这个夜晚如此绚烂,你会这样让它离开吗?

I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home 我惊喜不已,整个回仿羡家闷乱的路上都涨红着脸

I'll spend forever wondering if you knew 我将用我的一生来猜想你是否知道

I was enchanted to meet you. 我已对你着迷

The lingering question kept me up 这样一个问题将我从梦中唤醒

2am,who do you love? 凌晨两点,我仍无法入睡,你究竟爱着谁?

I wonder till i'm wide awake. 我一直思考到完全清醒

Now i'm pacing back and fourth 现在我正在房间中徘徊着

Wishing you were at my door. 希望你就在我的门外

I'd open up and you would say, 我将打开门,然后你会说

hey,It was enchanting to meet you. 嗨,我已对你着迷

Oh,Taylor,I was so enchanted to meet you,too. 哦,泰勒,我也已对你着迷

This night is sparkling, don't you let it go 这个夜晚如此绚烂,你会这样让它离开吗?

I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home 我惊喜不已,整个回家的路上都涨红着脸

I'll spend forever wondering if you knew 我将用我的一生来猜想你是否知道

I was enchanted to meet you,too. 我也已对你着迷

This is me praying 这正是我在祈祷的

That this was the fairy first page. 这只是我们故事的之一页

Not where the story line ends. 不是故事结束的地方

My thoughts will echo your name 我的脑海里回放着你的名字

Until I see you again. 直到我再次遇见你

These are the words I held back 这是我心底的话语

As I was leaving to soon. 就像我即将离开一样

I was enchanted to meet you,too. 我也已对你着迷

Please don't be in love with someone else 请不要再恋上别的人

Please don't have somebody waiting on you.请不要让某人为你守候

Please don't be in love with someone else 请不要再恋上别的人

Please don't have somebody waiting on you.请不要让某人为你守候

This night is sparkling, don't you let it go 这个夜晚如此绚烂,你会这样让它离开吗?

I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home 我惊喜不已,整个回家的路上都涨红着脸

I'll spend forever wondering if you knew 我将用我的一生来猜想你是否知道

This night is flawless, don't you let it go 这个夜晚如此完美,你会这样让它离开吗?

I'm wonderstruck, dancing around all alone 我惊喜不已,独自舞蹈徘徊

Taylor,I'll spend my whole life wondering if you knew 我将用我的一生来猜想你是否知道

I was enchanted to meet you,too. 我也已对你着迷

I was never in love with someone else 我从未恋上过别的的人

I never have somebody waiting on me我从未让别人为我守候

Cause you were all of my dreams come true因为你让我所有的梦都成为现实

And I just wish you knew我只是想让你知道

Taylor,I was so in love with you泰勒,我已深深地爱上了你


《tell me why》吸血鬼日记的主题曲...

个人更推荐《what if》~Nina,因为有憧憬有期待的感觉。附上歌词,参考下吧!

i often wonder just how it can be 冲指我时常怀疑 最后怎么会变这样册团

But everytime I think about it 但每次一想起来

Seems impossible to me 就好像一切都不是真的

I wanna touch you, call out your name 想触碰你 轻呼你的名字  

 Would you be my love, would you be my friend 你能做我的爱人吗 或仅是个朋友  

 Would you feel the same 你也会有这相似的感觉吗  

 What if wishes all came true 如果那时所有愿望都能成真  

 And each one had a star 每个人都能得到属于自己的那一颗星星

That would keep it shining brightly 每个人都会让那颗星星闪闪发光

However near or far 但星星不是太近就是太远  

 What if a miracle appeared 如果有一个奇迹发生

And heaven was here for us to see 我们一起看到天堂就在咫尺  

 Oh what if you, were to fall in love with me 哦 如果你那时和我相爱

I imagine, a picture in my mind 脑海中想象着一个画面  

 You and me we’ll be together 我们能在一起

Together for all time 直到永远

Like in the fairytales 就像童话里的故事  

 Where everything comes real 在那里什么都能成真

Would you take my hand, would you understand Just how I feel? 你能牵起我的手 感受我的内心吗

Its not impossible Its not impossible 那不是不可能的

It happens each day 每天都在发生新恋情

People find each other 有人遇到了另一半  

 Fall in love with one another 然后彼此相爱了

It happens this way 爱情就可以来的这么突然  

 Its not impossible Its not impossible 那不是不可能的

I don’t believe我就不信  

 If I close my eyes 如果闭上双眼

If I make a wish 许个心愿

You’d be loving me  州判橘 你就会对我有感觉的吧  

 What if wishes all came true? 如果所有的愿望都能成真


boy u make me so shy

everytime u walk by


dont know what u do to me

i just know it feels right

never felt this may

like i'm outte control




hey boy how ya doing

wussup girl i'm doing good



i don't know if i should


that i wanna be your girl


想不想rock my world


我整个feel like im out control




In my heart, you and the sunshine, yogurt, sleep is as important as.


I would like to be your most warm haven.


Some people use their mouths to love, and I love to love, maybe I will lose a lot, but I will not regret it.


Do you like my body lice, without you, I am uncomfortable.


I want to be your eyes so you won't be afraid of the dark.


I am a lazy to the extreme, but I suddenly had the urge to see you.


No bitterness, no regrets, what is there, what is the peace of mind, you are the answer.


You see now the RMB are updated, and our relationship is not updated?


You mention that I love you, but I was full of my will.


If you want to see me, I'll go to see you.


If there is a day without the sun, you become, my warmest yearning.


If there is an afterlife, I would like to be your pupil, when you look in the mirror, you can look at the most affectionate to me!


When you sleep, wake up, Xialiao, is also a kind of happiness.


I was a flower, tied with in your branches, reveal my fragrance. Thank you for giving me.


There is someone who can teach you how to love, but we can't love.


If I don't like you, who do you think will look at you all day?!


Inadvertently, you took my heart away. I only want you, I miss you!


In fact, you have been concerned about the people around you, you do not find it?


Meeting you was fate, and falling in love with you was out of my control.


When you are sad, I would like to be able to rely on you.


A hug distance, it is my thoughts of freezing.


There is no such thing as a dress that fits better than your love.


Without you, my sky is not a piece of color; without you, my world more than a miss.


I don't dare to tell you, but I know you don't like me.


Life is a movie, pain is a beginning, struggle is a process, death is an ending.


I can't give you the whole world, but I can give you my whole world.


No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry。


There is no desert in the world, every time I miss you, God will fall a grain of sand, from then on there will be a sahara!


Youth is not sad but we deduce so bleak.


You ask me how deep I love you, the moon rePsents my heart. You ask me how true I am to you, without you.


Love is magical, it can make me so intoxicated, can not make! Inextricably bogged down in! Because everything has you.


To the world you may be one person, but to one person you maybe the world。


Even the *** allest hut, there is room enough for a loving pair.


A good friend is simple, good friendship is refreshing, good fate forever!


Do your readers, you taste every word and every sentence of gentle temperament.


Without you, not blue, without your flowers, not colourful! Without your food, not sweet!


Because you have a root in my heart, let me feel the cloudy days are so warm.


I want to spend all my life for you good, do not know if you can give me a chance.


I will be your readers, you taste every word and every sentence of gentle temperament.


Anything I want to share with you, because I can't find another woman to match me except you.


The happiest thing in the world is not too much, you like him, he also just like you.


I don't know, I hate you, because you make me love you.


Romance in the rain, you are my stomach a worm, I think what you understand, nothing at all!


Like a person's feelings, like falling from the clouds.


I remember you loved me, maybe I remember it.


He said he was heartless, I go he will have a new love, so let me go.


Because I want to forget you really good hard, good loathe to give up. I am iron heart love you.


I don't like you, I just like you!


Fall in love, no matter where you go, you will think of you, because you gave him power.


If you are instant noodles, can I be boiled water?


In addition to reach old age together, we can go without the road. In addition to Haikudanlan, we can not separate.


Life is a pure flame, and we live by an invisible sun within us.


You asked me to regret meeting you, actually I want to say that I regret not to meet you.


This life can meet you, is the greatest blessing to me, I will cherish this fate.


As long as you are in, where the scenery is very beautiful. But without you, where is no longer scenery.


I suddenly have a feeling of wanting to hold you.


The good life, I come, I want to tell you, I want to close to you.


If you can wait for me quietly for five years, I will not hesitate to marry you.


I hope I can see you before I sleep, I hope I can hold you when I sleep, I hope I can see you when I wake up.


What I do, I can't stand her in your heart.


I long for my love.


When you are dePssed, I will make you happy. When you are sad, I will make you delighted!


In the life long way, we would like to make two light - shining each other, warm each other.


Baby: recently my teeth hurt, because I miss you every night, it feels so sweet, and will decay.


I think the rain only love to stay, so the rain will be able to live.


I love the moon, I love it, love it, love it. I love you, love you, love you, love you.


I don't love to talk slow, if I told you that you are very enthusiastic.


You want to think of you every morning and evening; clouds and fog; think you want your eyes the heart; ideal setting for a couple in love; you want to life!


When I can't hold on, please give me a warm hug to the bottom of my heart.


There is no such a person can make me happy carefree life.


Each youth will be old, but you're still my first touched.


If love you is wrong, I don't want to; if right is equal to leave you, I would rather be wrong for a lifetime.


I can't find a person who likes you more, so I'll hurt you before I like it.


Have your day, so we pull together in times of trouble, the paddle drives faster, the shore is clear.


Love makes people forget time, time also makes people forget love.


The so-called happiness is, in a happy moment, do not want to lose it how sad.


The red leaves the big apple, not one day I want to die, you are a light of my past life, light of my life.


I want to do what, it is holding your hand always go bald.


Don't think you didn't exist, I will no longer love. Don't leave your world, I will be free.


Have sailed the seven seas for water, except Wushan not cloud.


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